Friday, December 27, 2019
The Controversial Issue Of Euthanasia - 1680 Words
Euthanasia For a long time, euthanasia has been a controversial issue in countries all around the globe. However, with active technological progress, this topic becomes more urgent than 50 years ago. Undoubtedly, it is influenced by many factors. One of the leading debatable points is the invention and improvement of artificial life support devices. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of this theme as it is related to the most important value of each person – their life and lives of their loved ones. Moreover, it is a morally difficult moment to highlight such an issue in a society with the help of specialists of various profiles: doctors, psychologists, priests, and lawyers. Thus, euthanasia is still a taboo that causes†¦show more content†¦Similarly, euthanasia means the facilitating the onset of death and the cessation of the suffering of terminally ill patients (with their consent or with the consent of relatives or guardians). In jurisprudence, it is the satisfa ction of the request of an incurably diseased patient about the accomplishment of his death. This concept applies not only to people but also to animals, for whose life the owners are responsible. However, these definitions still do not give a complete picture of the concept of euthanasia as none of them includes all possible situations of application of this method. To unify this concept, it is necessary to mean the deliberate actions of a medical worker with regard to ask of a patient or his official deputies to stop physical or mental suffering, that is, life. There are two types of euthanasia. First of all, it can be divided into voluntary and involuntary methods. In the first case, a mercy killing is a specific request of a capable patient. This means that it is a balanced decision of an adequate person that is based on the own desire and values. Involuntary euthanasia is committed with an incapacitated patient in accordance with the decision of relatives. Such a person is in an inadequate state and cannot express strong consent or disagreement. For example, a patient has a serious mental illness or he is on artificial life support devices. Also, euthanasiaShow MoreRelatedEuthanasia Is A Controversial Issue2395 Words  | 10 PagesAs medical technology advances, people are able to become healthier and have a longer life. There are many moral issues between life and death. And we know that death is a stage of life and no one are able to control it. Imagine that you are in a pain of a deadly disease and there are no treatments are available to you, would you choose to live? Or would you choose to die? The answer to this question are subject to the person, everyone would come up with a different answer. The desire of individualsRead MoreThe Controversial Issue Of Euthanasia958 Words  | 4 PagesIn discussions of terminal illness, one controversial issue has been the legalization of euthanasia. On one hand, people contend that they should have the right to choose to die painlessly. On the other hand, skeptics argue that patients with a terminal illness should let nature run its course. Others even maintain that it de values life. My own view is that people should have the right to choose assisted suicide. Euthanasia is the act or practice of killing or permitting the death of hopelesslyRead MoreThe Controversial Issue Of Euthanasia1150 Words  | 5 PagesEuthanasia should not be legalised in Australia. Good morning 10C and Ms Leoni, Today I am here to talk about the controversial issue of euthanasia. This year, the Greens party has planned to introduce a ‘Rights of the Terminally Ill’ bill into state parliament. This has raised the issue of whether or not euthanasia should be legalised in Australia. Euthanasia is the practice of ending a person’s life in order to release them from an incurable disease or intolerable suffering. There are two typesRead MoreEuthanasi The Controversial Issue Of Euthanasia1650 Words  | 7 PagesAdelaide students think about legalising voluntary euthanasia in Australia? Introduction The purpose of this research is to seeking and analysing the opinions about legalising voluntary euthanasia within Adelaide students (aged 18-25 years old). With recent changes to legalisation of child euthanasia in Belgium, the controversial issue of euthanasia is currently being re-spotlighted all over the world. Ongoing active discussion on the legalisation of euthanasia mainly debates individual’s choices in endingRead MoreThe Controversial Issue Of Euthanasia1937 Words  | 8 PagesEuthanasia is defined as: the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma (Dictionary Reference). For countless years Euthanasia has been a controversial topic in the Canadian legal system. Many people believe that the act of assisting in a suicide should remain illegal because it can shorten the life of humans; however, others believe that assisting in a suicide should be legal only if the person in question is suffering from a te rminalRead More Euthanasia Essay - The Controversial Issue of Doctor-Assisted Suicide805 Words  | 4 PagesThe Controversial Issue of Doctor-Assisted Suicide    Imagine youu have just found out you are going to die within three months. Recently the questions have been changed form, What am I going to do with the rest of my life? to When should I kill myself? With painful and crippling diseases such as AIDS and cancer, and Alzheimers along with doctors such as Dr. Kavorkian, some people are choosing death over life. Doctor assisted suicide has been a very controversialRead MoreEuthanasia Essay1474 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Kraig Ekstein Buck, Todd RELU 110 October 27, 2013 Euthanasia Throughout the world there are many contemporary ethical issues pertaining different religions throughout the globe. These issues have been around for many years and are still quite debated in today’s society. One of the most controversial issues is wither euthanasia is right or wrong. Euthanasia is an ongoing topic in religions throughout the world and each carries their own personal beliefs on the topic. In order to understand howRead MoreThe Centers For Disease Control And Prevention Released1181 Words  | 5 Pagesmajor issue everywhere in the world, but recently assisted suicide has come around the news as a new form of death. Although, assisted suicide had already been around since 500 B.C, the Ancient Greeks and Roman era (â€Å"Historical Timeline†). According to during that time, â€Å"Many ancient Greeks and Romans had no cogently defined belief in the inherent value of individual human life. . . physicians complied by often giving t heir patients the poisons they requested.†This issue wasRead MoreThe Morality Of Euthanasia By James Rachels1086 Words  | 5 PagesID: 3339147 Active Euthanasia Does James Rachels in â€Å"The Morality of Euthanasia†successfully argue that in at least some cases active euthanasia is morally acceptable? Explain his view and respond to it. In this essay, we are going to analyze the main ideas included in â€Å"The Morality of Euthanasia†by James Rachels to provide a response to the following question: Does James Rachels in â€Å"The Morality of Euthanasia†successfully argue that in at least some cases active euthanasia is morally acceptableRead MoreShould Euthanasia Be Legalized?1210 Words  | 5 Pagesdiagnosis, one of their main concerns is dying with dignity and not left to suffer a long and drawn out death. Euthanasia, also known as mercy killing, is a sensitive and very controversial subject. Several people believe, doctors should not participate in any action that ends a person’s life due to the Hippocratic Oath stating that doctors are obligated to save lives. Although, euthanasia is considered to be immoral and even murder, it should be legalized when a person’s quality of life, due to an
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Overpopulation Is A Major Challenge That Humans Face Today
Overpopulation is a major challenge that humans face today. The human population is close to 8 billion, and at our current birthrate, we are adding nearly one billion more people every 12 years. Issues such as dependence of natural resources, degradation of the environment, poverty, and unemployment, are root causes of overpopulation. Though opponents of this theory, such as Erle C. Ellis uses archeological records, and the history of human evolution to argue against overpopulation. Robert Walker, on the other hand, disagrees. He uses scientific explanation to anticipate that all living beings on earth will are under torment as they die off due to: erosion of natural resources, mainly food, and water. Next, Joel Kotkin claims that an†¦show more content†¦Many years later, they extracted nutrients from the species by cooking them, and used different woods for enhanced hunting outcomes. Ellis points out that these innovations are still being used before since the last ice age ended. So, if hunter-gatherers were, therefore, successful worldwide at that time, human innovation will adapt. Ellis further argues that, the planet’s carrying capacity of hunter-gatherers was not any more than 100 million. Without their stone tools, he argues, the amount would be a lot less. The creation of agriculture, eventually empowered a higher population growth, which needed more land-use. Although the population is much greater now, approximately 7.2 billion, society has adapted with innovation. In contrast to a UN assessment, Ellis believes that a peak population is sustainable if obligatory investments are finalizing in the substructure and conducive trade, supplemented with anti-scarceness and food security strategies. , For instance, Chinese agriculture, shows that population growth will increase efficiency; this is because the relationship between population and economic wealth displays an increase of productivity. As the population rises, so does the productivi ty that matches the stock of food available, this is due to Anthropocene. Anthropocene suggests that people essentially live in human-dominated environments, which is being changed for our livelihood. Society is transformed
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Computer Tech Research Paper free essay sample
Mrs. Paris English 3/20/2013 Aspiring Computer Wiz As a senior in high school there can be many stressful and obstacles that you will face. There are so many things that you have to handle all at one time. You have to balance your school work, social life, and factor in having a job if that applies to you. Two of the biggest matters you have to sort out are what college do you plan to attend, if you do plan on going to college, and what you want your career to be. As someone who has been in to hands-on activities and computers I have combined those two interests into one and have come to the decision that I would like my career to be a computer technician. I have done some research about this career and have learned about what colleges are best to attend and what exactly a computer technician is and does. We will write a custom essay sample on Computer Tech Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A computer technician is someone that repairs and maintains computers and servers. A technicians responsibilities may include building or configuring new hardware, installing and updating software, and creating and maintaining computer networks. They may work in a corporate information technology department, a central service center, or a retail computer sales environment. A public technician might work in the military, national security or law enforcement communities, health or public safety field, or an educational institution. Despite the wide variety of work environments, all computer technicians perform similar physical and investigative processes, including technical support. Experienced technicians would specialize in fields like data recovery, system administration, or information systems. Some technicians are self-employed or own their own business that provides services in a regional area. Some are freelancers or consultants. This type of technician ranges from hobbyists that volunteer that make a little side money, to those who work professionally in the field. Since this is a somewhat new profession, colleges offer certificates and degree programs designed to prepare new technicians, but computer repairs are frequently performed by experienced and certified technicians who have little formal training in the field. There are many of college that offers computer technician degrees and a lot of the mare well known college. One of the best colleges to attend to if you’re looking for more knowledge and better your chances in getting that computer technician career is University of Phoenix. They offer a vast variety of technology degrees such as database development, information technology support, networking, programming, and web design. Depending on what you want to specialize in as a computer technician the University of Phoenix will have you covered in just about any of the fields you would want to go in. Something that sets them apart of may be an advantage even, is that you can receive these types of degrees with online classes. It would be less stressful since you would be working at home in your own comfort and wouldn’t have to worry about living on campus or having to drive back and forth to school. The University of Phoenix is the largest private university in North America and the headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona. Class sizes are small and typically have 15 or less students per class. The University of Phoenix has close to 600,000 graduates, nearly 480,000 current students and 32,000 faculty members, which all together make a large network of potential contacts. The University of Phoenix provides personal attention from their instructors, but you also will work together with other students as part of a learning team with each class you take. The school emphasizes that teamwork provides the chance for students to interact with each other, exchange ideas, and become more equipped for the workplace.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Crafting and Executing Strategy Essay Example
Crafting and Executing Strategy Essay Crafting and Executing Strategy Name: Instructor: Course: We will write a custom essay sample on Crafting and Executing Strategy specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Crafting and Executing Strategy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Crafting and Executing Strategy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Date: Crafting and Executing Strategy 1. Develop an argument supporting the importance of a strategic plan for the success of the defined business The Hershey Company, commonly known as the Hershey’s or Hershey Foods Company since 2005, is considered the largest manufacturer of chocolate in North America with its headquarters in Hershey, Pennsylvania. In general, a strategic plan is the process covering the defining of strategy, directing and making effective decisions within the company, as well as resource allocation decisions that fit the business and its environment best. A strategic plan is specially designed to guarantee the expansion and growth of a business. It provides guidelines and directs the business towards the plan. This makes it possible to manage the business at an active pace while maintaining a focus on the defined goals and objectives. As a business professional, I completely understand the importance of a strategic plan for Hershey Company. It is quite significant considering it purposes to match up the business strength to the opportunities available within the market. At the same time, it provides direction and guidelines upon which to follow in order to achieve the set goals and objectives. It can cover all areas of a business, including marketing, finance, production, and sales amongst other areas. A strategic plan brings all these areas together and directs them towards the goal of the company. Therefore, it is extremely necessary that Hershey Company develop a strategic plan in order to allow flourishing and growth of the business (Junka, 2011). It turns out that businesses that make use of a strategic plan attain best results, and are in a better position to deal with the volatility of both external and internal environment. More so, the chocolate business will have a better track to follow to arrive at its defined goals and objectives without failing (Junka, 2011). To ensure things within the business are moving seamlessly from one department to the other, it is necessary to have a strategic plan. To see growth within the company, a blueprint is required which every member of the organization follows in order to realize the set goals at every level. More so, it is almost impossible to control a business such as this that incorporates several departments like a long supply chain without having to bring to them together. Strategic plans purport to do this. Thus, a strategic plan for Hershey Company is crucial to see the development and growth of the company in long-term and short-term, as well as ensure control of the whole business. 2. Create a mission statement for the company explaining how the mission will be essential to the company’s success. Within the strategic planning, a mission statement comes in to give a broad picture, define the business and the purpose of its existence. Thus, it provides a path through which all the goals and objectives are to be directed. Its main purpose is stating the fundamental or primary reason for the establishment of the business. Hershey is a chocolate business with its main purpose being to offer clients sweetness through food. The mission statement of Hershey in this case is â€Å"to ensure that all clients all over the whole world receive the sweetness and happiness of Hershey every day.†This mission statement summarizes what the company exists to do, its market, which is the whole world, and its future. People love chocolate and associate it with happy moments. From the mission statement, one realizes the company aims at providing its customers with happy moments from its sweet food. Thus, workers are able to concentrate in producing sweet chocolate for the clients. Additionally, the mission statement describes the target market, which is the world. While formulating goals and objectives, the company will aim at capturing the whole world. Thus, the managers have to lay strategies for reaching out to the world. The mission statement further describes the future through mentioning of every day. Thus, all members of the organization will have to work hard every single day to ensure the world receives its sweet moments. The mission statement sets out the guideline for formulating strategies within the company. It further provides a blueprint upon which the goals and objectives are to be defined. After defining this mission statement, the company has to communicate it to the members, so they know what the organization intends to achieve. One cannot achieve anything without a mission. Thus, defining the mission of the business ensures that the members have a clear picture of what is expected. At this point, the members are aware of the purpose of the business is to provide customers with sweet quality chocolate. Thus, all their efforts and goals are directed towards the mission statement. 3. Create a vision statement for the company explaining how the vision statement supports the company’s mission Unlike a mission statement that is short-term, a vision statement provides a long-term view of the company, describing its future. A vision statement provides a picture of the company in the future and communicates it to the members. It states where the company wishes to be in the future, providing a guideline for defining goals, as well. This is quite crucial in order to make good progress and growth (Kenny, 2012). Without a vision, there is hardly any direction. One must have something they wish to achieve in order to focus their effort. For Hershey, it might want to become the worldwide leader in offering the world the best chocolate. The vision would be, to become the worldwide leader in providing customers with the best chocolate. This further supports the mission statement through providing a picture of the organization in the future. The vision is to become the best in the world in its industry while the mission is to provide the best chocolate. While the mission states the ex istence of the company, the vision states what the company wishes to be in the future through achieving its mission (Simerson, 2011). 4. Five (5) key objectives for the company encompassing operational, financial, and human resource aspects of the business and justify why each of these objectives is essential to the success of the business. In order to achieve the mission and vision of the company, operational, financial, and human resource objectives among others have to be formulated. For Hershey Company, the five objectives would be, attain and maintain high operational standards, ensure optimal production by producing maximum output with the least inputs, minimizing the costs while still maintaining quality, developing human resources for optimal performance and formulating strategies aimed at achieving the set goals within specified time (King Saylor, 2012). These objectives ensure that the business will have a chance to grow, as well as meet the mission and vision of the company. Attaining high operational standards ensures that the workers within the company and the operations move seamlessly to enhance production within all the departments. Without seamless operations in the company, it would be hard to achieve any goals. After ensuring high operating standards, it would be easy to achieve optimal production since workers can use the least inputs to achieve the best output possible (Kenny, 2012). Development of human resources is one of the best ways of ensuring quality and increased performance. Additionally, costs should be minimized for financial benefits. Finally, good strategies ensure to provide the company with a nice move upon which to achieve the goals. 5. How the five (5) key objectives established support the mission and vision statements of the company as defined in the assignment The five key objectives are formulated and designed to achieve the mission and vision of the company. Without such objectives that ensure operations are running smoothly within the organization, achieving the mission statement would be next to impossibility. For instance, the objective of developing human resource ensures that the organization has top talent to achieve the goals and objectives (King Saylor, 2012). The objectives are designed to ensure the company is running smoothly in its operations, which focus on achieving the mission and vision statement. Thus, the business would be in a position to achieve best possible results using the formulated objectives, thus ensuring the mission and vision of the company is both achieved. References Junca, J. Pelaez, J. (2011). Optimal Execution Strategy: Price Impact and Transaction Cost. Berkeley, CA. King, B. Saylor, C. (2012). The Importance of, and Resources for, Successful Strategic Planning. The University of North Carolina at Pembroke (UNCP ) Kenny, G. (2012). Strategic Planning and Performance Management. New York, N.Y: Routledge. Simerson, B. K. (2011). Strategic planning: A practical guide to strategy formulation and execution. Santa Barbara, Calif: Praeger.
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