Friday, December 27, 2019
The Controversial Issue Of Euthanasia - 1680 Words
Euthanasia For a long time, euthanasia has been a controversial issue in countries all around the globe. However, with active technological progress, this topic becomes more urgent than 50 years ago. Undoubtedly, it is influenced by many factors. One of the leading debatable points is the invention and improvement of artificial life support devices. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of this theme as it is related to the most important value of each person – their life and lives of their loved ones. Moreover, it is a morally difficult moment to highlight such an issue in a society with the help of specialists of various profiles: doctors, psychologists, priests, and lawyers. Thus, euthanasia is still a taboo that causes†¦show more content†¦Similarly, euthanasia means the facilitating the onset of death and the cessation of the suffering of terminally ill patients (with their consent or with the consent of relatives or guardians). In jurisprudence, it is the satisfa ction of the request of an incurably diseased patient about the accomplishment of his death. This concept applies not only to people but also to animals, for whose life the owners are responsible. However, these definitions still do not give a complete picture of the concept of euthanasia as none of them includes all possible situations of application of this method. To unify this concept, it is necessary to mean the deliberate actions of a medical worker with regard to ask of a patient or his official deputies to stop physical or mental suffering, that is, life. There are two types of euthanasia. First of all, it can be divided into voluntary and involuntary methods. In the first case, a mercy killing is a specific request of a capable patient. This means that it is a balanced decision of an adequate person that is based on the own desire and values. Involuntary euthanasia is committed with an incapacitated patient in accordance with the decision of relatives. Such a person is in an inadequate state and cannot express strong consent or disagreement. For example, a patient has a serious mental illness or he is on artificial life support devices. Also, euthanasiaShow MoreRelatedEuthanasia Is A Controversial Issue2395 Words  | 10 PagesAs medical technology advances, people are able to become healthier and have a longer life. There are many moral issues between life and death. And we know that death is a stage of life and no one are able to control it. Imagine that you are in a pain of a deadly disease and there are no treatments are available to you, would you choose to live? Or would you choose to die? The answer to this question are subject to the person, everyone would come up with a different answer. 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